Thursday, August 31, 2023

How we can make our Immune System Strong.


Human beings are affected by Viral diseases from time to time, which is spread by Pathogenic microorganism, such as bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. These diseases can be spread directly or indirectly from person to person. The most common symptoms may be fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulties in breathing. Commonly known signs and symptoms are fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. In severe cases symptoms may be pneumonia, severe acute respiratory difficulty and even may be fatal. Such symptoms may appear in 2-14 days of time. 

From time to time, human beings experience the impact of viral diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi. These diseases can be transmitted either directly or indirectly among individuals. The prevalent symptoms often include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and respiratory issues. Well-recognized indicators comprise fever, cough, and respiratory distress. In more severe instances, individuals might develop pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or even face fatal outcomes. Such symptoms typically manifest within a period of 2-14 days.

From time to time, pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi spread viral diseases that affect humans. These illnesses can be spread straightforwardly or in a roundabout way from one individual to another. The most widely recognized side effects might be fever, hack, windedness and hardships in relaxing. Ordinarily known signs and side effects are fever, hack and trouble in relaxing. In severe cases, symptoms can include pneumonia, severe acute respiratory distress, and even death. These symptoms can show up anywhere from two to fourteen days later.


At present Corona is also the latest form of viral diseases, which has the common sign and symptoms of viral disease like fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulties in breathing. This virus can be fatal at any time as there is no vaccine available in the market against this virus.  Apart from treatment, if immunity of the person is strong no viral infection can provide harm to the human body. Immune system can be weakened by certain medicines like by smoking, consuming alcohol and malnutrition, AIDS HIV may also be the reason of viral infection that destroys vital white blood cells and weakens the immune system. The question is how we can make our Immune System Strong. 


How to make Immune System Strong: 


·        Eat healthy diet that is enriched with all necessary           vitamins and vegetable. 

·        Quit smoking, it is injurious to health. 

·        Do moderate exercise daily. 

·        Try to maintain health weight. 

·        If you drink alcohol a lot, try to leave if not                       possible try to be moderate for alcohol                             consumption. 

·        Get enough sleep, that is good for your health. 

·        Wash your hands frequently and at least for 20               seconds. 

Meals those are good for making Immune Strong: 

·        Citrus foods are good for making immunity strong.           Majority of the people take vitamin C when they               are caught by Cold. 

·        Red bell Peppers. 

·        Garlic is good for making immune system strong. 

·        Broccoli. 

·        Ginger. 

·        Yogurt is also good for making immune system               strong. 

·        Garlic. 

·        Spinach. 

·        Almonds is also  good for memory and for making           immune system strong. 


 Vitamins are very good for immune booster. Lack of vitamin C make your body prone to the virus. 

Vitamin B6 is also very good for supporting biochemical reaction in the immune system. 

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, that helps the body to fight against infection. 

Foods that makes strong Immune System: 

·             Dark chocolate boosts immune system. 

·             Blueberries. 

·             Turmeric. 

·             Oily fish. 

·             Sweet potatoes. 

·             Broccoli 

·             Ginger  



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