Thursday, September 7, 2023

A Brief History of Pandemic


Medical researchers and scientists have been working for years on the definition of epidemic or it is pandemic. Pandemic may be described as the widespread disease in excess of what might normally be expected in the earth is called epidemic or pandemic. Some famous epidemic or Pandemic in the history of man can be described as Cholera, Plaque, smallpox and Influenza. All elaborated diseases were brutal killer in human history. Cholera, Bubonic plaque, smallpox and Influenza are considered some of the brutal killers in human history. Spread of these disease across the world has been described pandemic especially small pox, that has killed almost 300-500 million people since its existence. 

One of the brutal killer in West Africa is Ebola virus has killed thousand of people in Africa may be defined pandemic in the future but still it is epidemic. 
 HIV/AIDS has killed almost 36 million people. It was first recognized in the Republic of Congo in the year 1976. HIV/AIDS has proved itself pandemic killing 36 million people since 1981. Presently almost 31 to 35 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. The majority of the patients live in Africa, where 5% of the population is infected with this disease. With the progress of medical science HIV/AIDS has become more manageable and people are spending more productive lives and the number of patients dropped from 2.2 million to 1.6 million. 


This belongs to a category of 2 and also referred to Hong Kong Flu. In the year 1968, this virus erupted across the world and it was H3N2. It broke out in Hong Kong. It took only 17 days before outbreak. Initially the virus was reported in Singapore and Vietnam and within three months the virus spread in Philippines, India, Australia, Europe and America. The virus had comparatively low mortality rate that is 5%. It resulted in the deaths of more than a million people. The virus killed 500,000 citizens of Hong Kong approximately 15% population at that time. 


Cholera erupted in the world from time to time, but six Cholera Pandemic started from India and killed 800,000 before going to Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia. The best solution of viral diseases is isolation of the infected, therefore, it gave good results. 
The Black Death: 
This pandemic is also called Black Death and killed 75-200 million people across the world. Basically this was spread due to rats. This virus erupted in the world in the year 1346 to 1353 and ranged in Europe, Africa and Asia. 

This was called bubonic plague. This pandemic killed over 25 million people in the world, equal to half of the population of Europe. It killed almost 5000 people every day and eventually resulting deaths of 40% of the city. 

Antonine Plague: 
This pandemic erupted in Egypt, Greece and Italy and killed 5 million people. It is assumed that the virus of smallpox and measles killed the people, the true reason is unknown. The Rome soldiers brought back this disease to Mesopotamia. This pandemic erupted in 165AD.   
The devastation of Corona virus is going on and God knows where it will end. Pray before Almighty God for peace and good health. 

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