Sunday, September 17, 2023

How to Look Young and Smart


Today everybody tries to live longer and look younger. For

looking smart if you are overweight, lose weight as soon as possible, for the safety of your eyes always uses thick glasses. Always smile, be aware of your facial expressions. Pay attention to your posture this is a sign of good body language. Always wear clothe according to your body accentuates that fits to your body features. Wear colors that you think are good for you and provide attraction in your body. Believe, It’s a great goal, but if you are feeling healthy and energetic, passed years does not matter. For the sake of look younger than your real age, you have to follow following basic steps towards a long young and longevity lifestyle. What steps you should make today, so that your body functions more efficient way. Months or years would not matter. 


Quit Smoking: 


If you want to look younger and healthy, it will be great to quit smoking immediately; as it is injurious to health. Smoking minimizes the life span. A number of studies have shown that tobacco leaves bad impact on the overall health of men and women. A man, who smokes regularly and is of 40 years, looks 50 years of his age. Smoking worsens much disease like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension. It also causes premature aging and you look older. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight:  

Obesity is the enemy of good health and your good looks. Obese man does not look smart, as his appearance is not good. Obese man's life is already scourge for himself. He hardly lives good life. He hardly finds clothes of his size in the markets. Even he cannot borrow clothe from his friends. Obesity is measured with many methods. Like body max index (BMI), with the help of waist and skin fold thickness. Majority of the longevity say that thickness on your body paves the way to serious health conditions like heart disease, heart stroke, diabetes and even cancer. Obesity can be dangerous for your liver. Liver become fatty. Obesity also leads to metabolic syndrome, which leads to hypertension, high blood sugar and cardio vascular disease. So control your weight for the sake of your good health, well being and looking good. 


Stay Social: 


Be social and get in touch with the people you like. Meeting with friends makes your mood happy. Meeting them frequently is good for your overall health. There is an old saying that a man is known with the company he keeps. Good company gives mental satisfaction, as good people think positive, which eventually causes good health and long life. The healthiest people keep their relationship with healthy people, who think positive. Love your family. Eat your food with your family, as it is good for the family relations and health, because it bring you closer together as well as motivates you. 

Eat Vegetables: 

Vegetables are very important for maintaining good health. People who eat vegetables fall ill seldom. Vegetables keep the body away from lethal disease, like high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis-c, stomach disease. Vegetables reduce the risk of developing cancers of the lungs, colon, breast, cervix, esophagus, bladder, pancreas and ovaries. Leafy greens vegetables are very good for health; they provide protection against the diseases.  

Be active: 

Be active major of the time. Being active is good for the overall health. Exercise is good for maintaining good health. Exercise is the hallmark for staying fit and getting long life. Exercise keeps blood pressure normal, improves muscle, improves fitness, improves eyesight, lowers cholesterol, keep away from cardiovascular disease. If you want to live for a longer period you must exercise regularly. Exercise even, for shorter time will boost your immune system. Go for hiking. Go for long walk with your love one. Use trampoline for jumping. All exercises are very good for overall health fitness. 

Take Good Rest: 

Sleeping is utmost necessary for good health. While you are sleeping, body repairs damaged parts of the body. Full night sleep makes it possible to do work with full devotion and enthusiasm. After getting full sleep at night you are ready for the next day. Disturbed sleep and insomnia leads to depression and anxiety. Keep your window open while you are sleeping, it will provide you Oxygen and peaceful and interrupted sleep.   


Eat an anti aging diet: 

Eating anti aging diet will help you live longer. Eating light food will help you to be fit and smart. Fast food damages the body and the health. Eating light homemade food keeps you fit.  Good food will provide you satisfaction, good sleep, will increase energy and eventually control your weight. Choose low calories foods avoid nutrient poor foods. Avoid contrast processed highly refined foods. Choose food with fiber as it is very good for health and fitness. 

Remember natural foods are much better than supplement. 


Manage your Stress: 


Mental satisfaction is utmost necessary for the good health. Manage your stress with different techniques. Yoga is very good in this connection. You can do some techniques even in your chair, in your office and in your home easily. All researches have shown that keeping yourself away from worries provide good fitness and paves the way for long life. Keep your habits positive. Make the habit of walking; walk more and more instead of using vehicles. Using your foot is the key to good health. 


Importance of Proteins 


Proteins are as important in our life as water is essential for human being, to survive in the life. Proteins are very important for the human well-being. Proteins are also very important for the body and for strengthening the muscles and bones. A diet rich in proteins is very important for our body and daily activities. Rich amount of proteins also relieve fatigue and weakness.  
Proteins in small quantity work efficiently in our body that proves that proteins are very important in every body. Proteins also grow our nails and hair efficiently. Proteins are also very important for our body skin, blood, bones and muscles. Our body needs a big amount of proteins to run our body correctly and smoothly, and we can spend a healthy life. 


Experts say that proteins are very important for our body, it repairs our body, produce hormones, enzymes etc. in our body provides energy to our body. With the help proteins we are cured quickly from the diseases, our body eliminates unnecessary fats from our bodies. Proteins also boost our IQ levels. So adding, proteins in our diet are advised for our health safety. Through proteins consumption we can lose our extra size weight very quickly, this way we do not feel hungry and can reduce the amount of calories in our bodies.   

Proteins strengthens our body muscles, when we exercise or pick some weight, if there is lack of protein our body aches, but we do not have not lack of proteins in our body, it will strengthen our muscles. Proteins fight against infections in our body. Proteins transport our nutrients from one place to another with the help of hemoglobin. Proteins play vital role for the betterment of our nails, skin in our body. After knowing all these benefits of proteins, you may be realized that proteins play important role in our body. Our body needs at least one gram of protein per body weight.  

For the sake of our good health we should use foods that are rich in proteins like eggs, almonds, milk, meat, fish, lentils and vegetables all above are very good for our body and health. 

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