Friday, January 26, 2024

What is Global Warming


Global warming and seasonal changes have profoundly affected every corner of the Earth. Since 1972, scientists have been assessing the impacts of climate change on the Earth's health, claiming that significant changes have occurred in the past thirty years. There has been an increase in temperature, alterations in rainfall and snowfall patterns, floods in some regions, and droughts in others. Scientists and experts attribute these changes to the gradual increase in the use of natural resources like coal, oil, and gas, leading to severe impacts on the natural environment.

A positive development is that the United States has announced allocating three hundred seventy billion dollars for environmental improvement. Furthermore, there is growing awareness among people about the natural environment and climate change, although the changes have caused distress. Europe, including the UK, has been experiencing variations in temperature, with severe snowfall in December and increasing heat since June. The UK has witnessed an increase in dry spells each year, a decrease in rainfall, and surprising instances like the temperature reaching 38 degrees this year.

On the other hand, South Asia, especially India and Pakistan, are facing significant damages due to heavy rains. Floods in northern India and Balochistan have caused substantial damage to crops, homes, and roads. Particularly, Maharashtra and Gujarat have suffered the most. All these changes and increases in land temperature are the result of climate change.

In recent days, the city of Glasgow hosted a conference of world leaders, with 'Climate Change' on the agenda. Environmental experts openly stated that if global leaders do not wake up now, when will they? The Earth is not the same as it was three years ago; many changes have occurred. All scientists and experts at the conference agreed that the process of change is accelerating, and it needs to be stopped or brought to at least the 1960s level.

However, the reason is that major industrialists and wealthy institutions worldwide are not ready to accept the assumption that climate change and global warming have been ongoing for centuries. Sometimes the weather intensifies, and sometimes it remains moderate. This opposing lobby, which is a very influential class, claims that these are all speculations by scientists who keep creating new theories every day.

In the grip of climate change, Against the statements of this lobby, in recent days and now, young people and the general public have held massive demonstrations in cities like Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, and Athens. Especially, the youth are more active in this regard. It is an absolute truth that whatever humans have created for their comfort, all of it is becoming a headache. Most European urbanites, considering the predictions of scientists, prefer public transport and bicycles instead of cars.

In fact, the biggest and most important issue in the world is the disorderly increase in population. China has started a child scheme to control the increase in population. So far, India appears unsuccessful in controlling its population. Experts say that in a short time, India will surpass China in population. It is a fact that while, on one hand, there is an uncontrollable increase in population, on the other hand, serious problems are emerging in natural resources and food. Gradual pollution is giving rise to new epidemics, and the world is still struggling to gain complete control over the coronavirus.

Another major problem is food; there is a shortage of clean drinking water. In the current situation, the African region, which is already suffering from a severe shortage of food, is the most vulnerable to the issue of water scarcity.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has made efforts to solve this problem promptly, but the issue of food on a global level is becoming increasingly serious. On the one hand, Ukraine, which was an important country providing wheat and other grains to the world, has stopped the supply of grain due to land and maritime borders blocked by Russia. On the other hand, Russia, another significant country providing grain, is also facing difficulties in exporting due to restrictions.

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