Wednesday, August 23, 2023

We can save our World

In recent times, a conference was held in Saudi Arabia with the aim of promoting investment and rejuvenating the Middle East. The conference was attended by the leaders of the world.. On this occasion, the Prime Minister of Pakistan addressed not only investment-related matters but also issues pertaining to the environment and climate change.  He emphasized that if the issues of the environment and climate change are not taken seriously and addressed promptly, the world might have to face dire consequences. 

Recently, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the occasion of the UN's anniversary, delivered an important speech, stressing the urgency of controlling environmental issues and pollution. He urged the world to make comprehensive efforts to protect the Earth and manage climate change. He called upon all nations and non-governmental organizations to fulfill their responsibilities.

The UN Secretaries-General, including Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Kofi Annan, Ban Ki-moon, and the current Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, have consistently been raising awareness about environmental degradation and pollution for the past thirty years. However, the unfortunate truth is that despite these efforts, many major industrial and secondary institutions are heavily engaged in activities that contribute to industrial production and pollution.

On the other hand, the use of chemicals and fertilizers in agriculture for crop production is harmful to health. While industrial activities contribute to pollution, the use of chemicals in agriculture to increase yields is also causing continuous contamination of land and oceans. Polluted water from factories is mixing with the seas, severely affecting marine life. The mangrove trees along coastal areas, which play a crucial role in protecting the coastline, are being damaged. The harm to mangroves is causing the mixing of river and sea water in the delta regions, significantly impacting those areas.

The recent report on the oceans indicates that more than thirty percent of marine species are deprived due to pollution. Not only is the polluted water from factories a concern, but the constant dumping of oil and garbage from thousands of running ships in the oceans is also affecting marine and aquatic life.

Nearly eighty percent of scientists and environmental experts worldwide agree on the principle that we are collectively responsible for disrupting Earth's natural environment and climate. However, an interesting aspect is that a large number of people are not entirely ready to accept this principle. Their reasoning is that Earth's natural changes and phenomena, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, hurricanes, rainfall, and other natural disasters, continue to affect the planet. These occurrences are inherent in nature.

This group also complains that it is instilling fear in the world and causing the world to be afflicted with anxiety. The truth is that due to human necessities, desires, greed, and lust, the natural environment and order of the Earth are being disrupted. The increase in the global population is indeed a major issue, but those who do not accept the facts tend to argue with their own reasoning. Population growth is a natural process and does not burden humanity nor cause harm.

One of the arguments put forward by those who deny this is that those who exaggerate global warming fail to recognize that it is also part of natural laws. This cycle alternates between cold and warm periods, an ongoing phenomenon for centuries. During the recent annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, Ethiopian representatives suggested sending an open letter to all heads of state through the United Nations. The letter would outline key points about the environment, climate change, Earth's conservation, and the survival of humanity. This document should be made mandatory reading in schools worldwide, promoting widespread awareness of this important issue. Most assembly delegates discussed matters related to the environment and climate change. African delegates highlighted the severe impact of drought on millions of people in desert countries, affecting more than a dozen nations. The drought has caused famine in over twelve countries. They appealed to the international community for attention to this issue.

COVID-19 has profoundly impacted the global economy, society, and politics, raising concerns about the world's return to its pre-pandemic state. Many experts suggest that we will have to adapt to this new environment, as the world will not revert to its pre-COVID state. However, these concerns ensnare the world's large population.

It should be noted that former U.S. President took environmental issues seriously and demonstrated strong commitment after assuming the presidency. In this context, he invited Pope Francis to accompany him on a journey to the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, and the North Pole. During this journey, they showcased centuries-old glaciers and icy landscapes that had melted due to rising temperatures. Pope Francis was visibly moved by what he saw, expressing his feelings in a letter addressed openly to all leaders. This open letter, a historic document, was sent to all heads of state by the United Nations. It highlighted the alarming effects of Earth's environmental degradation and climate change, shedding light on impending dangers to Earth and humanity's survival.

Recent scientific research reveals that Earth's temperature has increased by 1.3 degrees. By 2050, it might rise by up to 3 degrees, leading to more global warming and rising sea levels.Recent heatwaves have caused severe distress among the urban population.

Experts predict that in the coming years, temperatures in many cities could reach up to 50 degrees. This scenario could be extremely unbearable and distressing. These ongoing climatic changes are evident. Last year and the current year also saw an intensification of summer heat, particularly over the Arabian Sea, including the Bay of Bengal, and the Arabian Sea, due to reduced air pressure. This trend is likely to continue in the future.

A few months ago, heavy rainfall and floods wreaked havoc in China. Similarly, torrential rains and landslides in the northeastern states of India caused billions in property damage due to railway line destruction. All crops were ruined, and more than three hundred people were killed or missing. Meanwhile, wildfires in California and Australia due to the surge in global warming also led to significant losses.

On the other hand, due to global warming, the Earth is experiencing drought, water scarcity, and food shortages, creating a hellish existence for millions. Adding to this distress, new viruses continue to emerge, posing further threats to human life. In this situation, Earth and its gradually deteriorating natural environment remain the path for environmentally conscious humans. It's regrettable that for a long time, the world has been aware of the deteriorating terrestrial environment. Climate changes cause devastation, and pollution is increasing, yet we have failed to create a single environmentally friendly corner on this planet.

The reality is that the Earth's age is around 4 billion years, while human life spans approximately 600,000 years, with ancient history largely unknown. Earth is a tiny planet in the solar system, and in the vastness of the universe, the solar system is equivalent to a mere speck among thousands of galaxies.

Geologists explain that Earth has undergone numerous changes over millions of years due to processes like meteor impacts, earthquakes, hurricanes, and radiation. The current map of Earth was different in the distant past. Changes in Earth's radiation, lava flows, and cycles of natural disasters have consistently altered the planet's features. As time passed, these changing patterns revealed the current map before us.

It is expected that over thousands of years, Earth's map will continue to change. According to scientists and experts, this ongoing process is continuous, although imperceptible to us. While scientists search for a planet similar to Earth, making predictions about the vast universe is premature. Nevertheless, recent discoveries have been made. A planet resembling Earth from afar has been observed in another galaxy, thousands of light-years away from us.

Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking cautioned against contemplating human habitation on other planets. He emphasized that humans are a part of Earth, and attempting to live elsewhere might not lead to thriving. This statement serves as a warning, but the issue remains: what can we do for Earth, its vital elements, plant life, and animals to ensure their survival?

Humanity must strive not only for the preservation of Earth but also to raise their voices against biases, oppression, exploitation, injustice, and class divisions prevalent in backward societies.

Major global powers are often willing to cross limits to secure their interests. Threats like nuclear weapons, harmful chemical weapons, and various missile systems project a bleak future for humanity. Humanists, environmentalists, leaders, scholars, journalists, authors, poets, and artists are all making efforts in this chaos. However, they are a minority against tyrannical powers. They may face trials, yet they continue to lead humanity. Consequently, we can save our earth with our sincere efforts.

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