Monday, July 17, 2023




Diabetes is diagnosed when pancreas in the body cannot produce insulin or cannot use it properly. Our body uses that glucose as energy. Whenever, we eat or drink anything which consists of carbohydrate like bread, rice. Potato, pasta, biscuits, sweets, different drinks and fruit juices, eventually it increase level of glucose in the blood. If you are diagnosed with diabetes it means that level of glucose increases because your body cannot use that glucose, which is needed. If it is not kept in appropriate level it creates complications. It can make you blind, can cause heart attack or may be paralyzed, even amputation can be occurred.  

Diabetes cannot be cured permanently but can be controlled. You should see your doctor for keeping glucose level within desired range. Control your blood pressure as well as keeping your cholesterol level low and should eat prescribed medicines regularly. You should also change your life style, making changes in your foods and doing enough exercise. Curtail your intake of high-glycemic foods from your diet. You can get the list of high and non glycemic foods from your doctor. Eat maximum green leafy vegetables. Eat fish twice a week. Curtail your oil intake to minimum. Give up sweet things as it increases sugar level very quickly. When you will know that you have become diabetic. First of all get checked your sugar level regularly. Some obvious symptoms may be. Excess urination especially in the night. Unusual thirst. Extra ordinary fatigue. Weight loss without any effort. Wound healing takes much time than usual. If any of the above is noticed in your body consult your doctor quickly for the necessary treatment. Doctor will tell you how to control your sugar level. Normally it has been noticed that high blood pressure is accompanied with diabetes, keep it within range and visit your doctor regularly. Change your eating habits. If you are overweight reduce it. If you smoke give up. Your health is precious, care it. 


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